Wednesday, 4 May 2011

ideas for my "BANG"

as you will know, my cats going to get hit by the door in my animation, and i want to make a visual bang, i dont really use and effects in after effects for it, because I want to focus mainly on the area of it all being "hand done" so i just want to illustrate my "BANG!" I've been looking at google images for bang signs, just for inspiration and to get a general idea of how they are portrayed...

this one is what i would class as a stereotypical Bang sign, with "hot firery colours" such as reds, yellows and oranges, I think that these are the best, seeing at they are so eye catching and focus your attention.
similar to the colourful ones, this one seems more of a "cuter" design.
this one is simple yet pretty effective...
I found some that where done in black and white, I like this one, but I do think it is a bit of a feeble cloud considering it is supposed to be a "BANG!" just looks a bit like a whoopie cushion.
this one is quite effective, I like the "Spikes" think they give an impression of power and loudness, which is exactly what i consider a bang to be like.
I found a 3D typographical one on my search, I really like this one, because it gives the impression of the BANG expanding and spreading, like the noise of a bang does, makes it seem more impressive.

i think that I will use colour in my bang, and the generic colours of yellow, orange and red, because my "BANG" won't appear for long in the animation, so I want my audience to realise what the symbol means, and I believe that most people relate to the generic hot coloured ones...

this is the logo that i came up with, I like it, I want it to have an illustrated hand drawn obvious effect, seeing as all of my animation was basically hand drawn (except putting it together in after effects) and I want to keep on that type of style for my animation :) I used yellow for the type, and then the inside of the bang cloud was orange, the outside became red, I wanted the intensity of the cloud to be spreading outwards, so I showed this be the shades of colours.

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